Memories Of Minjerriba

As a teenager through to adulthood from the 1970s to the 1980s I spent many years visiting the island, fishing, camping, visiting Oodgeroo Noonuccal, horseriding out to the East Coast Beach where we would easily see thousands of huge white Ocean Pippies almost the size of the palm of my hand, with each receding wave on the beach. Five to ten Pippies were enough for a meal over hot coals just enough to crack open the seal; sometimes we just ate them raw, after washing out any sand. In 1995 I went back over and did not find any Pippies. Pippies are seldom found this size today.


Memories Of Minjerriba

As a teenager through to adulthood from the 1970s to the 1980s I spent many years visiting the island, fishing, camping, visiting Oodgeroo Noonuccal, horseriding out to the East Coast Beach where we would easily see thousands of huge white Ocean Pippies almost the size of the palm of my hand, with each receding wave on the beach. Five to ten Pippies were enough for a meal over hot coals just enough to crack open the seal; sometimes we just ate them raw, after washing out any sand. In 1995 I went back over and did not find any Pippies. Pippies are seldom found this size today.
