Original Paintings

Postage and freight is extra dependent on size and delivery address. All paintings can be taken off the Stretcher frame at an extra de-framing cost and sent via a tube if required for overseas delivery.

It is recommended to keep the paintings on the stretcher frame if delivery is within Australia as the cost of de-framing, freight and re-framing will cost just as much as the original costs.

Original Paintings

Postage and freight is extra dependent on size and delivery address. All paintings can be taken off the Stretcher frame at an extra de-framing cost and sent via a tube if required for overseas delivery.

It is recommended to keep the paintings on the stretcher frame if delivery is within Australia as the cost of de-framing, freight and re-framing will cost just as much as the original costs.


$5300 excl. shipping
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Night Spirit Descending 

$5300 excl. shipping
1600 (D) x 800mm (W)

Musgrave Owls and Magnetic Anthills

$1600 excl. shipping
925 (D) x 800mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing


Price on application/asking
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Barramundi Breeding

$5300 excl. shipping
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Still Hidden

Price on application/asking
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)

Making Ochre

$1600 excl. shipping
930 (D) x 800mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Family of Green Sea Turtles

Price on application/asking
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Jabiru on the Wind

Price on application/asking
1600 (D) x 900mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Salt-Water Catfish

$1600 excl. shipping
980 (D) x 830mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Memories of Minjerriba

$1300 excl. shipping
960 (D) x 860mm (W)
Stretched Canvas with a Calico backing

Musgrave Owls

$5300 excl. shipping
1600 (D) x 800mm (W)